The Jewish Family Experience is a community of inspired Jews led by Rabbi Sruly and Ruchi Koval. We offer Jews of all ages, backgrounds and affiliations a fresh look at Judaism in a way that offers education, inspiration and community. Join us for Shabbat Morning Experience
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Parshat Pekudei
March 28-29, 2025
Candle lighting: 7:29 pm
Havdalah: 8:38 pm
Shabbat Message
Open Wied and Say "Neigh"
By Rabbi Yosef Koval
There are certain phrases in the English lexicon which, although commonly used, seem strange and bizarre if you think about it. While most people don’t actually think about it and simply carry on with their day without a second thought, I have a mind that likes to inquire into these matters.
Take, for example, the well-known proverb, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” If you have ever heard this expression, you probably let it enter your ears and brain and then you moved on with your life. For years though I have wondered what it means.
Men's Steak 'N Seder
Tuesday, April 8 | 6 pm
$36 per person | $18 for young professionals
Prepare for your family Seder with great food and inspiration
At the home of Scott Simon
(address provided upon registration)
Threads of our Story
Pre Passover Women's Event
Sunday, April 6 | 1:30 pm
$15 for JFX members | $30 for non JFX members
Connection and inspiration to enrich your Passover journey. Participate in a panel discussion celebrating courageous Jewish women. Savor delicious bites, enjoy refreshing drinks and swap Passover recipes.
Challah Connections
Sunday, April 27 | 9 am-3 pm
Come together to the first of a series of gatherings for women where you will learn techniques, tips and tricks to help your challah thrive every time while informally exploring the story of our Matriarchs towards a meaningful life
Come for the whole time or just to braid, bake and schmooze at 1 pm
Journey of the Soul
Monday, April 28 | 7:30 pm
No Cost | Virtual presentation
What happens to the soul after death? Do Jews believe in heaven and hell? Why do Jews bury in plain pine box? Why is cremation discouraged in Judaism?
These are some of the questions that will be addressed at this event